jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011


DBH4 students are watching the film "How green was my valley", to illustrate the industrialization process that happened in Great Britain and its main consequences.
This film by the great John Ford, shows a little working class town located in Wales. The problems of those workers and how they start organiziing in unions to fight for their rights. We can also be aware of one of its main consequences: inmigration, as it's present in the film.

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011


This is an easy exercise to identify the different biomes. The only thing you have to do is drag the answer and locate it on the picture.

Some days ago we classified landscapes into three types: NATURAL, TRANSFORMED and ORDERED. We learned their definitions, characteristics and we are now able to identify them.

Here you have an exercise where you have to identify pictures of landscapes with their names.

And another one where you have to match the TYPES OF LANDSCAPES to THEIR DEFINITIONS / EXPLANATION .

Another good exercise to review the concepts and vocabulary learned so far is this easy crosswords we have  prepared. Come on, have a go!

All the previous activities are excellent practise for the exam you have soon.

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011


Transformed landscapes: Landscapes that have been slightly transformed by mankind, rural areas without the effects of industrialization.

Ordered landscapes:
Landscapes that have been transformed theoretically in a rational and coherent way. Urban areas transformed  by an industrial society.

However, we frequently find examples of the non-rational and incoherent transformation made by mankind, for example, many neighbourhoods from Brazil:

Or the many slums of Indian cities ...

martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

THE MODERN ERA in Laskorain ikastola

DBH4 students are going to deal with the modern era in a new way. In groups of 5, they are going to explore this interesting time and publish their discoveries on the web. Let's go for it!
Click on the link above to get information about it.

RTVE, The Spanish TV has released a set of interesting docummentaries about this period of time. Although it is in Spanish, it's worth watching it because it's going to give you useful information to understand better the work you have to do.

viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011


Do you know what biomes are? Do you know that there are 6 main biomes in our planet? Do words such as tundra, taiga or desert ring you a bell? Well, this is what students from the SSLIC programme in DBH3 are dealing with at the moment in Social Sciences.
Have a look at the following presentation if you want to know a bit more about them.


This is an easy exercise to identify the different biomes. The only thing you have to do is drag the answer and locate it on the picture.

Some days ago we classified landscapes into three types: NATURAL, TRANSFORMED and ORDERED. We learned their definitions, characteristics and we are now able to identify them.

Here you have an exercise where you have to identify pictures of landscapes with their names.

And another one where you have to match the TYPES OF LANDSCAPES to THEIR DEFINITIONS / EXPLANATION .

Another good exercise to review the concepts and vocabulary learned so far is this easy crosswords we have  prepared. Come on, have a go!

All the previous activities are excellent practise for the exam you have soon.

martes, 7 de junio de 2011


WORLD WAR I is the next topic we are going to see in DBH 4 SOCIAL SCIENCES. The course is almost over and as we do not have much time, we are going to have a look at it in a different way. If you click on the blue section of this post, you are going to have some general information about it (from wikipedia). However, let´s start with a very simple activity.

Here you have a set of pictures with basic information about  WORLD WAR I .

The BBC  also has complete documentation that you can see if you click on it.

How about a powerpoint presentation with bullet points?

We also have some videos that explain what the war meant, why it started, its causes, phases and consequences. Let´s see some examples:
The first one we are going to see is a funny explanation for the causes of world war I.

And to see the devastation of Europe, just have a look:

lunes, 6 de junio de 2011


The crash of 1929 and the later great depression can't be properly understood if we ignore the prosperous previous years of buoyancy and consumism. Have a look at this video:

Let's analyse what happened in the 1929 crash, then:

But whay did it happen? What were the causes?

domingo, 5 de junio de 2011


There are several events that contributed to shape the world as we know it today. The French Revolution, the Industrialization ... The Russian Revolution was one of them. let´s see what it was and what it meant in the following documentary.


The biggest maginitude earthquake in its history hit Japan last friday and it was followed by a devastating tsunami which caused thousands of casualties and injured people. Thousands are still missing despite the fact that many people have been evacuated.
The shortage of food and supplies is increasing, infraestructures are higly damaged and the economic consequences are going to be terrible. In addition, they ure under nuclear alert as several nuclear reactors from the Fukushima power station have been seriously affected by the tsunami.The Japanese government has said it´s the biggest human catastrophy since the bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which put an end to the second world war.

Aerial photos of zones hit by the tsunami, before and after.

jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011


Just some images from BBC ONE promo to see the beauty of our planet. They may you reflect, isn't taking care of such a beauty worth? Have a look and enjoy it.

martes, 1 de febrero de 2011


We know, so far, that the proletariat was a new social class that arose due to the industrial revolution. We also know that their working conditions were hard: long working hours, no holidays, children working, no breaks ... Have a look at this video. the pictures are really good.

viernes, 21 de enero de 2011


Do you know which energy source is mostly used nowadays? Do you know how much of the energy we consume comes from renewable sources? Do you know when we started using petrol as a fuel? What was used before?
In DBH3 we are dealing with the topic of energy at this point, and here you have a very nice didactic material to work on the topic and know more about it. Have a try!  (click here) Once you have seen the films on that page, do the online exercises it proposes. You'll learn a lot!

jueves, 20 de enero de 2011


DBH3 students have been recently working on some global data, such as the per capita income, the active population of countries and the percentages of working men and women , as well as the division of sectors and the unemploynment rate. We worked on a table whose statistics were a bit out dated. Well, we can have access to more updated information if you click on the underlined pieces above.


In the modern era, the Basque Country had many mines and forges to produce the iron ore. these were the first "factories" or burdinolak. Do you want to know how did they work? Here you have some material from the programme "berde-berdea" which will give us some information on that. Just click here!